ISUP Message Format
ISUP information is carried in the Signaling Information Field (SIF) of an MSU. The SIF contains the routing label followed by a 14-bit (ANSI) or 12-bit (ITU) circuit identification code (CIC). The CIC indicates the trunk circuit reserved by the originating switch to carry the call. The CIC is followed by the message type field (e.g., IAM, ACM, ANM, REL, RLC) which defines the contents of the remainder of the
message (Fig. 9).
Each ISUP message contains a mandatory fixed part containing mandatory fixed-length parameters. Sometimes the mandatory fixed part is comprised only of the message type field. The mandatory fixed part may be followed by the mandatory variable part and/or the optional part. The mandatory variable part contains mandatory variable-length parameters. The optional part contains optional parameters which are identified by a one-octet parameter code followed by a length indicator ("octets to follow") field. Optional parameters may occur in any order. If optional parameters are included, the end of the optional parameters is indicated by an octet containing all zeros.
Initial Address Message
An Initial Address Message (IAM) is sent in the "forward" direction by each switch needed to complete the circuit between the calling party and called party until the circuit connects to the destination switch. An IAM contains the called party number in the mandatory variable part and may contain the calling party name and number in the optional part.

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